Limestone dissolution under varying rates and soil textures
Influência do Al3+ em solução nutritiva no crescimento de três espécies florestais utilizadas na recuperação de áreas degradadas
Agronomic efficiency of phosphate fertilizers produced by the re-use of a metallurgical acid residue
Acid ammonium citrate as P extractor for fertilizers of varying solubility
Solubilization of a K-silicate rock by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans
Biochar as composite of phosphate fertilizer: Characterization and agronomic effectiveness
Algalbiomassfromwastewater:soilphosphorusbioavailabilityand plantsproductivity
Activated ZnCl2 biochar and humic acid as additives in monoammonium phosphate fertilizer: Physicochemical characterization and agronomic effectiveness
Cellulose acetate film containing layered double hydroxide: a new method for determination of soil phosphorus availability
Dissolution of K-silicate rocks with Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans biogenic acid: characterization and agronomic performance of the end-products
Efficiency of phosphate fertilizers containing growth promoters in plant fertilization
Effect of Millet Growth, N Sources and Previous Phosphorus Availability on the Efficiency of P Sources
Response of Cratylia argentea (Desvaux) O. Kuntzeto inoculation with Rhizobium sp. and Bradyrhizobium sp. strains
Solubilization of Bayóvar Natural Phosphate Rock Under the Drain Effect of Calcium and Phosphorus at Two Levels of Acidity
Increasing Soluble Phosphate Species by Treatment of Phosphate Rocks with Acidic Waste
Production and Evaluation of Potassium Fertilizers From Silicate Rock
Organic acid coated-slow-release phosphorus fertilizers improve P availability and maize growth in a tropical soil
Soluble phosphate fertilizer production using acid effluent from metallurgical industry
Eucalypt Growth Submitted to Management of Urochloa spp.
Thermal and chemical solubilization of verdete for use as potassium fertilizer
Characterization of verdete rock as a potential source of potassium
Loss of Extraction Capacity of MehLich-1 and Monocalcium Phosphate as a Variable of Remaining P and its Relationship to Critical Levels of Soil Phosphorus and Sulfur
Zinc deficiency affects physiological and anatomical characteristics in maize leaves
Volatilization of Ammonia Originating from Urea Treated with Oxidized Charcoal
Capacidade de suprimento de potássio em solos de Minas Gerais – Brasil
Uso da Técnica HRICP-MS na Avaliação dos Isótopos de Boro em Eucalipto
Influence of the N/K ratio on the production and quality of cucumber in hydroponic system
Transporte de Boro no Solo e sua Absorção por Eucalipto
Phloem mobility of boron in two eucalypt clones
Características fisiológicas e crescimento de clones de eucalipto em resposta ao boro
Produção de matéria seca, crescimento radicular e absorção de cálcio, fósforo e alumínio por Coffea canephora e Coffea arabica sob influência da atividade do alumínio em solução